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The Free State House Overrides Hogan’s Veto of the Education Bill

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The Free State House of Delegates has overridden the governor’s veto of the controversial plan to fund the state’s schools. In fact, the delegates voted 95-37 on Monday afternoon to override the veto.

Free State: Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Education Plan

The Corona Virus pandemic has exposed and widened existing disparities in education. This is according to advocates of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Education Plan. They say it is more important than ever to implement the reforms.

“We are going to start providing an adequate and equitable education for our students. We are excited,” Cheryl Bost said. Bost is the Maryland State Education Association President.

Democrats Say Yes to Reforms

The debate followed party lines with the Democrats supporting the reform measures.

“Business executives, government officials, and editorial boards and other states who want to mimic ours have praised the blueprint,” said Delegate Alonzo Washington. He is the Democrat-Montgomery County.”

Moreover, Republicans have opposed the price tag. When fully implemented, it will cost $4 billion each year.

Republicans Say No to Reforms

“This reform puts our kids in confusion. Thereby it puts our parents in a maze of bureaucracy that will only be harmful in the long run,” said Delegate Dan Cox, R-Frederick County.

Expanding pre-K and more funds for schools with high concentrations of poverty is part of the 10-year phased-in plan. Moreover, it will increase teacher pay thus creating a path designed for high school students who don’t plan to attend college.

Free State: Marylanders and Potential Higher Taxes

Marylanders are struggling and it’s unthinkable in my opinion that the Legislature would consider doing this, Governor Larry Hogan said expressing his disappointment in a statement. I feel the last thing Marylanders need is higher taxes, Hogan added.

Multi-Billion Dollar Plan: No Guarantee of Better Outcomes for Kids

“We have provided historically high funding for seven years in a row as well as proposing the largest investments in school construction in Maryland history, ” Hogan said. “Therefore, education is my top priority. Moreover, no governor has ever invested more in our schools. We are working to get our kids back into classrooms. Then, help Marylanders keep more of their hard-earned money. Yet, legislators are intent on pushing through a multi-billion-dollar plan that can’t guarantee better outcomes for our kids.”

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