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World’s Largest Rubber Duck Set to Visit Maryland

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The World's Largest Rubber Duck will be docking in Maryland soon!
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Have you ever found yourself thinking, just how large is the largest rubber duck in the world? Well, if you live in Maryland or any surrounding areas, you can get a peak at the world’s largest rubber duck soon! Coming to the Chesapeake Bay in August is the World’s Largest Rubber Duck, ready to wow crowds with its shocking existence and a fun sight to see.

The World’s Largest Rubber Duck comes in at a massive six stories tall, 79 feet wide, and 80 feet long. The duck weighs more than 30,000 pounds. The duck, which goes by the name of Mama Duck, is making its first trip ever to this area, having never before visited Maryland, Washington D.C., or Virginia.

Despite its size, the duck can actually compact itself fairly easily.

According to the duck’s owner, Craig Samborski, they are able to pack up the duck into just a large cargo trailer and then haul it from destination to destination. When they then bring Mama Duck out, they attach the duck to concrete polls which assist in helping keep it in place and stable. They have to attach the duck to 16 different polls just to keep it fully stable.

Then, according to Samborski, they inflate the duck using high-intensity blowers and the rest is in the hands of the duck and the blowers. The inflation process takes about 40 minutes to get the duck entirely inflated.

Mama Duck actually has not yet been dubbed the official World’s Largest Rubber Duck by official agencies like Gunness World Records. The owner Samborski feels confidently though that he does in fact own the World’s Largest Duck. He claims the market is quite small and he is lacking much, if any, competition.

Samborski has not been in the traveling Rubber Duck business his whole life, actually starting the business with a background in event planning. He commissioned the duck’s construction when he wanted to find an outside of the box form of entertainment for people. The traveling duck began back in 2014 and since, Samborski has greatly succeeded in his mission to entertain people.

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